"White On Rice"...!
On the love front, D and the chef got engaged - FINALLY! Not that they have been together a real long time and he was dragging his feet, but the anticipation was enough! D is trilled and I am glad things have all come together for her. I am averaging a wedding every 2.5 months in 2007 and it has been determined that a trip for TG and I would be ideal after all is said and done, so here's hoping!
Inside Joke:
Looking for a "Bobert" and if that IS your name can I also see your ass?! Bonus points if your girlfriend is trapped in the 80's. If she is not your girlfriend and just sleeping with you amoung others that makes her a slut and we WIN! Sorry, no bonus points for the grey wolf tattooed on you butt...damn. Will you kiss your friend? I will kiss mine...Congrats Tennessee!
Happy New Year! Cheers to 2007! It's going to be a good one, I can feel it!