Sex And The Tri-Cities

"The Picture Does Not Make Me As Good Looking As I Know I Am!" -CJO

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My Non Carrie Bradshaw Moment...

So I have been ill. Last night I was feeling better yet our condo was fucking hot and needless to say no nookie. I'm getting ready for bed and put on a pair of granny panties and a tank trying to beat the heat - they are not sexy but perhaps somewhat cute, or so I thought...

Well I guess I didn't realize how baggy the panties were and how unflattering the outfit was because when I went into the TV room to get TG for bed he says:

"Nice diaper - you look like Bellick from Prison Break"

I was half asleep and the extent of the comment didn't actually register until this morning. It was funny and I am over it - gotta love relationship honesty!

PS - Wiki says this about Bellick:

"In Sona prison Bellick quickly finds himself on the lowest rung of prison society, forced to wear nothing but underwear at all times and given the job to clean the prison's bathrooms and sewers..."

Thanks TG - LOL!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I'd Also Like To Add...

...that after a full week of shagging (here, there, and everywhere on vacation) it especially sucks being sick - the vacation sex is a little addicting - it just becomes part of your regular day.

Lately, I shave my legs in the morning thinking that maybe, just maybe, we'll be feeling better after Prison Break and then I end up coughing myself to sleep at about 8:45 or so.


Beauty and the Beast

Cuba = Beauty
We loved our vacation! We met some great people, drank some tasty drinks, danced, laughed, ate and relaxed for 8 sunny hot days! I would have loved to stay but I loved to come home too - that brings me to...

Home = Beast
...but only because we were SICK - like gross, sweating, fever, coughing, gagging, don't touch me kind of sick. It's better but I am not going to lie it took a lot of drugs, oj, and tears to get to this point. The illness had nothing to do with vacation and everything to do with Canadian offices in September - ewww.

D is getting married in 2.5 weeks! It is exciting and pending that I am able to fit in my dress (with alterations) it looks like it is going to be a good day.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

5 more sleeps until TG and I are on the beautiful beach of Holguin! I am so anxious I cry and laugh at the same time thinking about boarding that plane for vacation!

TG and I did out separate things this past weekend - it was good and since I get him all to myself for a whole week it really didn't matter. He had a good time at the beach with a buddy and I relaxed watching an OC Marathon and chatting with the kitties about life - they are no help.

TG and I are not going to have sex until Cuba - it just adds to the anticipation of the trip and since it is a good week to not have sex (if you know what I mean) then it does not really matter to me regardless. On that note, I have mentioned to a couple of my friends and TG that every, oh, 23.75 days or so I am amazed/relieved that the pill actually works - Shout out to the BC! You know you do things right, take it every day, at the same'ish time, don't mix meds, and yet every month I am reassured that I am indeed not pregnant. This confirms two things for me: (1) the pill works and will continue to take what millions of women rely on as a primary form of BC and (2) I don't want a baby yet.
*Note to self - it'll be working OT next week since I realized I have to step it up and compete with "Spanish" women for TG's attention - it is so ON and I am just getting started!

Gong with the pregnancy theme, at Starbucks this afternoon I saw two "kids" in school uniforms sitting on a sofa sipping a frozen coffee chatting and smiling at each other. I sat nearby and could easily over hear their conversation. They were reading a book (that I didn't notice right away) called "100,000 Baby Names and Meanings" and I realized that she was/must be pregnant. They were no more then 17 years old - she would read out a name and it's meaning and he would reply with either a "not bad" (to which she would highlight the name) or on several occasions he would say "that's gay!" - yeah, they are definitely ready for a baby...

I am sad for them (and the baby) and hope that the baby gets taken care of. I hope they step up as parents and have a good support system. I hope they stop spending their money on venti frozen lattes and start putting money aside for the kid! My heart kind of went out to them - just a little. Through their laughter and smirks, you could see that they were terrified. I guess that is normal, no matter what age you are, if you are having a baby for the first time.

I've seem to have recited this to myself and some friends a lot lately and indeed it is what it is - you (and I) can only do so much.

Well Peeps - I am out of here (in 5 days) - Hasta Pronto!

Update: TG questioned me last night and noted - is the teenage pregnancy really all that uncommon/taboo? Sadly, it's not - but then again we watch a lot of Maury so I am really not sure of actual least she knew who the father was...

PS - I also just edited some major mistakes so sorry if you've read the post before I got a chance to do so :)