Sex And The Tri-Cities

"The Picture Does Not Make Me As Good Looking As I Know I Am!" -CJO

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

5 more sleeps until TG and I are on the beautiful beach of Holguin! I am so anxious I cry and laugh at the same time thinking about boarding that plane for vacation!

TG and I did out separate things this past weekend - it was good and since I get him all to myself for a whole week it really didn't matter. He had a good time at the beach with a buddy and I relaxed watching an OC Marathon and chatting with the kitties about life - they are no help.

TG and I are not going to have sex until Cuba - it just adds to the anticipation of the trip and since it is a good week to not have sex (if you know what I mean) then it does not really matter to me regardless. On that note, I have mentioned to a couple of my friends and TG that every, oh, 23.75 days or so I am amazed/relieved that the pill actually works - Shout out to the BC! You know you do things right, take it every day, at the same'ish time, don't mix meds, and yet every month I am reassured that I am indeed not pregnant. This confirms two things for me: (1) the pill works and will continue to take what millions of women rely on as a primary form of BC and (2) I don't want a baby yet.
*Note to self - it'll be working OT next week since I realized I have to step it up and compete with "Spanish" women for TG's attention - it is so ON and I am just getting started!

Gong with the pregnancy theme, at Starbucks this afternoon I saw two "kids" in school uniforms sitting on a sofa sipping a frozen coffee chatting and smiling at each other. I sat nearby and could easily over hear their conversation. They were reading a book (that I didn't notice right away) called "100,000 Baby Names and Meanings" and I realized that she was/must be pregnant. They were no more then 17 years old - she would read out a name and it's meaning and he would reply with either a "not bad" (to which she would highlight the name) or on several occasions he would say "that's gay!" - yeah, they are definitely ready for a baby...

I am sad for them (and the baby) and hope that the baby gets taken care of. I hope they step up as parents and have a good support system. I hope they stop spending their money on venti frozen lattes and start putting money aside for the kid! My heart kind of went out to them - just a little. Through their laughter and smirks, you could see that they were terrified. I guess that is normal, no matter what age you are, if you are having a baby for the first time.

I've seem to have recited this to myself and some friends a lot lately and indeed it is what it is - you (and I) can only do so much.

Well Peeps - I am out of here (in 5 days) - Hasta Pronto!

Update: TG questioned me last night and noted - is the teenage pregnancy really all that uncommon/taboo? Sadly, it's not - but then again we watch a lot of Maury so I am really not sure of actual least she knew who the father was...

PS - I also just edited some major mistakes so sorry if you've read the post before I got a chance to do so :)


  • At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Have a fabulous time! You deserve it. Hope the weather is great!

  • At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Will and I are awaiting updates... when you are feeling up to it ;-)


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