Sex And The Tri-Cities

"The Picture Does Not Make Me As Good Looking As I Know I Am!" -CJO

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Things Are Good...

What more can I say? Besides being in a little debt (aren't we all?!) and living in the crappy winter climate - things are good!
I am OP with WW and feeling great. Imagine that?! Having not drank my face off this weekend, my body is thanking me. Now if I could just drag my ass to the gym...apparently "sexercise" does not count? I beg to differ TG! Seriously though, I have a membership and I should use it.

I have been thinking a lot about the future lately. Perhaps it is because TG and I have been getting along so well the last few weeks or maybe it is because I am surrounded by bridesmaid dresses, save-the-dates, and general giddiness, I don't could even be the result couples I know breaking up. It is inevitable the the environment and people that surround you will cause you to evaluate your own situation and that is exactly what I am doing. I will let you know what I come up with!

On another note, I have been meaning to mention some of the late night programming on MXS. It is not uncommon for TG and I to come home late on a Saturday night and watch a little TV before heading to bed. After 11:30 or so, MXS shows "adult" films that we pop by every once in a while. By "pop" by I mean we flip between MXS, the "Magic Bullet" infomercial, and usually a CSI (take you pick). They are interesting to say the least...
In the last couple of months we have seen bits of a porno musical and more recently one called "Lost Heinie" where a sex scene took place in a car with the man driving and the car spontaneously took off into outer space during the climax and fireworks began to explode beneath them! Seriously, they are jokes right? TG guessed that it was a dare to produce either and that they both will receive the porn version of the "Razzie"! I have decided that "adult films" are equally as much of a comedy to me as they are a turn on to the 40 something stereotypical male that has a membership to AOV and watches MXS without flipping to the infomercial.

PS - My apologies if your personal fantasy resembles either one of those scenarios - I feel sorry for you!


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