So You DO Kiss Your Mother With That Mouth!
Earlier this week I witnessed something strange and much to my amusement!
As I carried a load of groceries from the car to the condo I saw a nice looking man and an women making their way towards me on the parking lot. They stopped at a small 1980 something escort in mint condition and embraced, then kissed, then kissed some more (a lot more), then embraced again before the woman got in her car and drove away with the man waving as she exited the parking lot.
I stared in AWE at this man and woman throughout this entire scenario - WHY YOU ASK?
Well, because the man was a fairly good looking 30-something, and at first glance I would have thought it was his MOTHER that he was walking with. On second glance (ok...stare) I STILL thought it was his mother. SO Bizarre!
I wonder what it is with guys and older women (in this case MUCH older)? I mean I get the Demi Moore and the Cindy Crawford men but Betty Crocker?! I wish I was exaggerating but this woman had the grey set hair, sweater set, and matching broach - everything I imagine Betty Crocker would wear. Best of luck to them both, I am lucky my guy likes'em young!
I secretly hope I witness another encounter of theirs, I was fascinated!
As I carried a load of groceries from the car to the condo I saw a nice looking man and an women making their way towards me on the parking lot. They stopped at a small 1980 something escort in mint condition and embraced, then kissed, then kissed some more (a lot more), then embraced again before the woman got in her car and drove away with the man waving as she exited the parking lot.
I stared in AWE at this man and woman throughout this entire scenario - WHY YOU ASK?
Well, because the man was a fairly good looking 30-something, and at first glance I would have thought it was his MOTHER that he was walking with. On second glance (ok...stare) I STILL thought it was his mother. SO Bizarre!
I wonder what it is with guys and older women (in this case MUCH older)? I mean I get the Demi Moore and the Cindy Crawford men but Betty Crocker?! I wish I was exaggerating but this woman had the grey set hair, sweater set, and matching broach - everything I imagine Betty Crocker would wear. Best of luck to them both, I am lucky my guy likes'em young!
I secretly hope I witness another encounter of theirs, I was fascinated!
At 9:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
I've been looking for a good broach lately. Ask Betty next time you see her and her stud. PS. Hope you're not turning into a Peeping Tom...
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