SATTC Long Weekend Re-Cap...
Un-Domesticated Dinner and a Leopard Shirt:
On Friday TG took me out for dinner to thank me for "taking care of things" and what not. I think he fears that I resent domestication (maybe I do?) and therefore him? This is not the case as I do have a life outside the condo. I do enjoy taking care of things around the place, making dinner and stocking the fridge (and I am thanked every day). I do feel like sometimes I take on too much and just when I think I am going to snap I get to order and Asian Pear martini and catch up with TG, one on one, while we watch the blind dates, bachelorette parties, and general people around us. Shout out to the guy at the bar by himself with the leopard shirt on - aside from the food, drink, and company, you my friend made my night without knowing it!
Ralliart, Spyders, Snakes and "Karma":
TG bought a car this weekend, not just a car but a really nice one. I am so happy for him as he has worked so hard and deserves all the piece of mind that comes with owning a new car with a 10 year powertrain warranty. From the moment we bought it, until early evening, we cruised around town (in the rain) and visited family and friends to show off the new "whip". ALL were impressed and commented on the wheels and were as equally pleased as I was with the purchase. Not to say that MB wasn't, but the first comment was..."If you were going to go there why wouldn't you get a Spyder?! If I was you age that's what I would have got!" I laughed for two reasons:
1. That she knew what a Spyder was...
2. Picturing her driving it...
We then went to see Snakes on a Plane with the 20 or so others in the theatre. Due to the blurry previews, we got free passes to another show of our choice which made the ridiculous movie all the more worth while. Truth be told I enjoyed the movie - and especially enjoyed when TG would jump or yell a little at a snake that popped out on screen and then he'd announce to me that "that one scared him!" Really? Like I couldn't tell by the girly scream or the fact that your feet are resting on the chair in front! Ok that was me...My bad.
I have been commenting on the fact that TG has been having some good (overdue) karma - IT was good and overdue - Thanks.
Aggressive Driving:
"I have noticed that you are more of an aggressive driver at night" - Thanks?
I am constantly impressed with bands (especially drummers) that take requests. How do they know all the words and the music?! Good times in the Wild Wild West even if it was only 5 degrees (or so it seemed).
"If my boss saw me letting you buy this I would get in so much trouble":
Whatever kid - it's your last shift, now just print the picture so I can get the hell out of here before I die of embarrassment...
Trip to Canada's Wonderland - $0
Waiting in line for the Italian Job - $0
Trying to "top" the picture from last time - $0
A moment of embarrassment with the photo booth kid (and bystanders) for a lifetime of laughs with TG - $11.50 for the wallet and key chain but overall PRICELESS!
Good day and now that I think about it, I wish I had bought the Nunchucks!
At 12:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
I really like how you notice the specific things about people when you write about them (like the fellow in the leopard shirt). It makes reading this as fun as having a conversation with you!
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