Sex And The Tri-Cities

"The Picture Does Not Make Me As Good Looking As I Know I Am!" -CJO

Monday, October 06, 2008

Where Have I Been?

I really don't know, no where really...just busy but not too busy that I am stressed just busy enough that I don't update this blog for the 5 of you that have reminded me to do so!

We are approaching one of my favourite times of year! I love fall and Thanksgiving and Oktoberfest and Halloween. I have a busy month and this weekend I get to go Oktoberfesting, then out for Halloween Haunt, the Oktoberfesting again, and then I get to stuff my face for a couple days with turkey and the fixings! You jealous? You should be...

My goal for the fall? To stop falling asleep in front of the TV -it's not good for me or TG. I should go to bed when I am tired right? I like to try...
The other night I was sleep talking and had TG looking for a spider on the wall "that was the size of a mini-pizza". Sweet guy actually got up to look behind the dining chair (where I was pointing) and then I woke up while he was searching for the tarantula and wondered what HE was looking for...therefore, my new goal cause I'm not right in the head. Confused? Yea, me too.

What are you guys watching this fall? I watch a lot (too much) TV and I have to admit that I am loving it. There are not many things I find more relaxing then making a late dinner and eating in front of the TV with TG on a Thursday (our "junkie" dinner night).

To try and balance my inner couch potato (and fat kid), I have been trying to go to the gym at least twice per week and have been tracking my points - all of 'em. Even the ones where I eat wings, pringles or nachos - being accountable and making sure I have "room" to eat the crap is helpful and so far I have been staying on track - all about balance people. Bonus: I am really liking the "Newbody" class I am taking at the gym.

I caved and got fake "uggs" and I have to admit they are super comfy and I will be wearing them out this year. So what if I am a few years behind in fashion (2? 3?) - these shoes are TIMELESS.

Peace out,

PS - TFC! (clapclapclap) TFC!


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